Turkeys can fly

Here is this week's Thanksgiving holiday post.

"As God is my witness, I thoughts turkeys could fly" this is by far my most favorite part of the  turkey holiday, compliments of Les Nessmen and WKRP in Cincinnati sit com fame. This episode ran over thirty years ago and I still get a laugh watching it every year on u-tube.

One stupid, horrible bit of comedy has lasted a lifetime for me. Kind of makes you wonder about the power behind entertainment. The mere act of throwing a 100 turkeys from a helicopter to spread thanksgiving cheer turned into disaster to millions of viewers, but anyone who saw that episode back then remembers it with fond thoughts now of a day when life was so much simpler and innocent. We all really believed Les when he uttered those words.

This week, when our family gathers around the table, I will give thanks for God, family present and past and also pause to show my granddaughters that u-tube clip, for it is as much a part of my thanksgivings as the turkey and cranberry sauce (Canned of course) sandwich on white bread to end the day, long after the meal is over.

Christmas is coming just around the corner and the entertainment world has blessed me with so many wonderful moments to treasure that they too have become traditions in our household. Cherish these moments through out the holiday season. "Bumbles bounce", "Yes Virginia" or "Rump a rump rum" are all some of my favorites. They all have a warm and special place in my heart, but I must admit that none of them made me laugh and smile as hard as the Turkey Drop with Les.

Until next week.

Be Extraordinary Today.


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